ordres du jour, comptes rendus, questions d’actionnaires

La seule qui repose sur la présence effective à TOUS les rendez-vous des sociétés cotées : assemblées générales annuelles et extraordinaires, présentations de résultats semestriels et annuels, investor days

La veille de l'HebdodesAG

La seule veille qui repose sur la présence effective à TOUS les rendez-vous de 700 sociétés cotées en France et à l'étranger : assemblées générales annuelles et extraordinaires, présentations de résultats semestriels et annuels, investor days

Skechers 27/07/202

During the first six months of 2023, SKECHERS U.S.A., INC. showcased robust financial performance, with total sales reaching $4,014,444 thousand, a significant increase compared to the same period last year. Despite a slight decrease in gross profit margin, the company achieved a gross profit of $2,039,103 thousand, showcasing efficient cost management. Notably, earnings from operations saw a remarkable improvement, reaching $441,310 thousand, up from $330,062 thousand in the previous year. Other income further contributed to the positive trend, resulting in earnings before income taxes of $454,025 thousand. SKECHERS reported net earnings of $371,867 thousand, representing a substantial increase from the first half of 2022. These results demonstrate the company’s successful strategies in the competitive footwear market and its ability to maintain sustainable growth and profitability amid challenging business conditions.

Date de publication :27/07/2023

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