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La veille de l'HebdodesAG

La seule veille qui repose sur la présence effective à TOUS les rendez-vous de 700 sociétés cotées en France et à l'étranger : assemblées générales annuelles et extraordinaires, présentations de résultats semestriels et annuels, investor days

MAPFRE SA 28/07/2023

In the initial half of the year, MAPFRE’s business has surged impressively by 15%, reflecting its robust growth trajectory. Notably, revenues have exceeded €17.0 billion, showcasing a significant 15% increase. The net result, although slightly impacted by challenges in the Auto sector and the Turkish earthquake, reached 317 million, showing a marginal decline of 6%. A standout performer, the IBERIA business experienced remarkable growth, exceeding 20%. LATAM also played a vital role, contributing significantly to earnings with soaring net results of €193 million. The Non-Life sector witnessed improvements, characterized by a lower combined ratio and a notable 26% increase in the financial result. Moreover, Life premiums grew by 29%, accompanied by a 16% improvement in the Life technical financial result. The contribution to results from MAPFRE RE rose to €121 million, underpinned by strong business growth. Remarkably, MAPFRE S.A. has embraced new accounting standards, presenting its accounts under IFRS 17 & 9 for the first time. Additionally, the favorable arbitration ruling in the alliance termination case with Bankia stands as a significant achievement for MAPFRE.

Date de publication :28/07/2023

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