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La veille de l'HebdodesAG

La seule veille qui repose sur la présence effective à TOUS les rendez-vous de 700 sociétés cotées en France et à l'étranger : assemblées générales annuelles et extraordinaires, présentations de résultats semestriels et annuels, investor days

FORD MOTOR CO 27/07/2023

In the second quarter, Ford Pro and Ford Blue Drive reported solid results, leading to a 12% year-over-year revenue increase to $45 billion. Net income reached $1.9 billion, and adjusted EBIT rose to $3.8 billion, indicating strong financial performance with persistently strong cash and liquidity. The appeal of Ford Pro to commercial customers drove a remarkable 22% revenue growth, with EBIT more than doubling to $2.4 billion and a 15% margin. Ford Blue gas and hybrid business saw higher wholesales and revenue, reporting $2.3 billion in EBIT, with the all-new global Ranger pickup contributing to popularity and profitability. The success of Ford’s Model e resulted in a 39% revenue increase, establishing the company’s leadership in the EV market with scaling and competitive pricing. Consequently, Ford raised its full-year 2023 guidance, expecting adjusted EBIT to be between $11 billion and $12 billion and adjusted free cash flow to be between $6.5 billion and $7 billion, further strengthening their position for the industry’s next-generation EVs.

Date de publication :27/07/2023

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