ordres du jour, comptes rendus, questions d’actionnaires

La seule qui repose sur la présence effective à TOUS les rendez-vous des sociétés cotées : assemblées générales annuelles et extraordinaires, présentations de résultats semestriels et annuels, investor days

La veille de l'HebdodesAG

La seule veille qui repose sur la présence effective à TOUS les rendez-vous de 700 sociétés cotées en France et à l'étranger : assemblées générales annuelles et extraordinaires, présentations de résultats semestriels et annuels, investor days


  In the first half of the reporting period, the company experienced good capacity utilization, but demand for their products and services weakened compared to the highly dynamic first half of 2022, resulting in a 15.7% decrease in order intake. However, they managed to significantly increase net sales through price increases and expanding production capacity, and the order book remained at a high level equivalent to 5.4 months’ sales. Despite negative currency effects mainly due to a weaker euro, net sales improved. The operating profit margin also saw a positive change, reaching 12.7%, thanks to good capacity utilization, increased production efficiency, and price hikes. As a result, the profit for the period showed a significant increase of CHF 45.2 million, amounting to CHF 199.1 million or 10.3% of net sales. The company also reported a strong financial result and an effective tax rate of 21.1%, remaining consistent with the full-year 2022 rate.

Date de publication :27/07/2023

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