ordres du jour, comptes rendus, questions d’actionnaires

La seule qui repose sur la présence effective à TOUS les rendez-vous des sociétés cotées : assemblées générales annuelles et extraordinaires, présentations de résultats semestriels et annuels, investor days

La veille de l'HebdodesAG

La seule veille qui repose sur la présence effective à TOUS les rendez-vous de 700 sociétés cotées en France et à l'étranger : assemblées générales annuelles et extraordinaires, présentations de résultats semestriels et annuels, investor days

For the CFDT, the 2030 horizon is an important step towards a world that is different in many ways. The current crises facing our society are the result of a single crisis: a civilizational crisis. We have collectively accepted the idea that nature has infinite, free resources to provide us with. We have collectively agreed to set men and women with very different living conditions and cultures against each other, in the name of the promise of a market that will bring us a better collective future. But the other side of this promise is turning out to be far more complex and uncertain than we had imagined: climate change is accelerating, bringing with it major events and exceptional waves of migration; the rise of nationalism is spreading like an ill-adapted response to a society that above all needs collective intelligence; pandemics are hitting us like a response from the biosphere to our logic of expansionism; planetary limits are being crossed like hurdles in a race where the finishing line has all the makings of a tragic destiny. We are now facing a major crisis, that of our collective human development model. It is to this model, and to this model alone, that we need to devise alternatives in order to move towards an Orange company that could still be, in 2050 or 2100, an element of the social and societal cement linking the men and women of our societies, and which would regain a remarkable position in the hierarchy of global telecoms operators. In view of this observation, which is the preamble to Orange’s strategic approach proposed by the CFDT, we would like to know how the “Lead The Future” strategy responds to the environmental and societal challenges facing our Group? Is there any monitoring of the strategy, with impact indicators? Is there a longer-term vision to be presented in the near future, to give new impetus and a vision that will motivate employees?

Question posée par : r Elisa Mistral, Nadia Zak-Calvet et Vincent Gimeno ensemble

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